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MEI 1000 G2 BPR B 6 Odbiornik do systemu dousznego monitorowania LDMEI1000G2

Nr art.: LDMEI1000G2BPRB6
Seria: MEI 1000 G2

The new LD Systems MEI 1000 G2 is a license-free* in-ear monitoring system with 96 UHF channels that delivers outstanding sound quality with a large dynamic range and outstanding crosstalk behaviour in the 655 - 679 MHz frequency bands.

Switchable mono, stereo and focus monitoring modes as well as adjustable EQ and limiter functions permit natural sound reproduction for any application, with a frequency response of 60-16 Hz, a high S/N ratio and low THD. The LD MEI 1000 G2 permits simultaneous operation of up to five systems.

The earphones are very comfortable to wear, and the multifunctional display on the receiver shows all relevant system information. With high quality batteries it is possible to achieve operating times of 12 hours and more.

* licence-free: ISM band licence-free in Europe, please check duplex gap for your specific country


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Propozycje wyszukiwania

Pokaż wszystkie wyniki

The new LD Systems MEI 1000 G2 is a license-free* in-ear monitoring system with 96 UHF channels that delivers outstanding sound quality with a large dynamic range and outstanding crosstalk behaviour in the 655 - 679 MHz frequency bands.

Switchable mono, stereo and focus monitoring modes as well as adjustable EQ and limiter functions permit natural sound reproduction for any application, with a frequency response of 60-16 Hz, a high S/N ratio and low THD. The LD MEI 1000 G2 permits simultaneous operation of up to five systems.

The earphones are very comfortable to wear, and the multifunctional display on the receiver shows all relevant system information. With high quality batteries it is possible to achieve operating times of 12 hours and more.

* licence-free: ISM band licence-free in Europe, please check duplex gap for your specific country

Informacje ogólne
Rodzaj produktu
Akcesoria do systemów odsłuchu dousznego
Zakres częstotliwości radiowych
655 - 679 MHz
2 x 96 (8 grup po 12 kanałów)
Technologia transmisji
FM, stereo
Charakterystyka częstotliwościowa
60 - 16000
Współczynnik zniekształceń (THD)
< 1%
Wyjścia audio
Jack stereo 3,5 mm
Maks. poziom wyjścia audio
100 mW
Down, Escape, Głośność, Up
niski poziom naładowania baterii, Power, Wyświetlacz LC
2 x 1,5 V AA
Czas pracy
> 12 godzin (w zależności od baterii)
65 mm
90 mm
24 mm
0,1 kg
Właściwości użytkowe
Baterie w zestawie
Pasujące produkty
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